What is a Registered Apprenticeship Program?
A Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, classroom instruction, and a nationally-recognized credential.

Apprentices earn a competitive wage from day one and wages increase as skills grow.

Structured learning and on-the-job training help apprentices advance professionally.

Upon completion, apprentices receive a national, industry-recognized credential.
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Career Seekers
Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas is partnering with local hospital groups and nursing facilities to offer a new Patient Care Technician (PCT) pre-apprentice program. Training will be delivered and monitored by McLennan Community College (MCC). A program director who is a registered nurse with at least two years of nursing home experience and teaching experience will provide oversight of the program. The course consists of written, online, and hands-on assessments to measure a student’s attainment of the required content and includes:
» 60 hours of classroom training
» 40 hours of hands-on resident care in a nursing facility
Upon completion of the course, students will take the National Certified Patient Care Technician competency exam to obtain certification and will be eligible for placement in a local RAP.
Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas is already having great success with its Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) pre-apprenticeship training through its current ApprenticeshipTexas Expansion grant with 15 graduates over the last two years.
Currently, Workforce Solutions collaborates with two local unions (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 72 and Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 529), who assist with training and securing employment for MC3 graduates as first-year apprentices. This program is nationally recognized and approved by the North America’s Building Trades Unitons (NABTU).
Upon completion of the 120-hour training program, each participant will earn the MC3 Certificate of Completion from NABTU and120 hours of continuing education credits from McLennan Community College (MCC). Fields of interest include:
» Electricians
» Plumbers, Pipefitters and Steamfitters
» Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers
» Carpenters
» Structural Iron and Steel Workers
» Sheet Metal Workers
» Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers
The Early Education Apprenticeship (EEA) offers a career pathway for child care providers and aspiring early educators in Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone and Mclennan counties. EEA offers paid on-the-job-learning, college coursework, and one-on-one coaching in an early childhood classroom.
Other benefits may include: wage increases, milestone stipends, and earning up to 15 credit hours at Mclennan Community College (MCC) within 12 months. In some circumstances, prior work experience and college credit hours will be accepted in substitute for EEA requirements.
Grow Your Own Workforce
Join an existing apprenticeship or develop your own. Contact our staff to determine the best option for your company and get connected to a new talent pipeline.
» Patient Care Technician (PCT) Pre-Apprenticeship Program
Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) Pre-Apprenticeship Program in the following fields of interest:
» Electricians
» Plumbers, Pipefitters and Steamfitters
» Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers
» Carpenters
» Structural Iron and Steel Workers
» Sheet Metal Workers
» Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers
The Early Education Apprenticeship (EEA) offers a career pathway for child care providers and aspiring early educators in Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone and Mclennan counties. EEA offers paid on-the-job-learning, college coursework, and one-on-one coaching in an early childhood classroom.
Other benefits may include: wage increases, milestone stipends, and earning up to 15 credit hours at Mclennan Community College (MCC) within 12 months. In some circumstances, prior work experience and college credit hours will be accepted in substitute for EEA requirements.
More Resources
Apprenticeship.gov is the one-stop source to connect career seekers, employers, and education partners with apprenticeship resources. Discover apprenticeships across industries, how programs are started by employers, and how to become an apprentice.
Learn more about National Apprenticeship Week (Nov. 14-20, 2022), including how you can get involved!
TWC Apprenticeship Web Page
The Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) apprenticeship web page offers additional statewide information and resources regarding registered apprenticeships.
Career Exploration & Profiles
Take a look at our Heart of Texas Targeted Occupations Guide, which provides a description of each targeted occupation, its starting salary, projected growth over the next 10 years and available training programs. If you need additional help determining what type of career you’re interested in, check out MyNextMove and CareerOneStop. These free online tools can help determine which career and apprenticeship is the best fit for your goals.